Hanging a picture while really playing trivial pursuits: Ana Escobar & Ben Smissen
Ana did the recording without letting Ban knows while Ben was talking about recording us while hanging a painting.
Then Ana recorded us talking about what is like to collaborate, and she made the sound piece since we wouldn’t agree to what to do with the sound pieces we had.
If we had not collaborated the piece would not have been fluid, and definitely less fun. Working/coming with an idea together was difficult because we didn’t find enough time to talk about it properly, or had different agendas! Although it was easier cause we cold talk about it even if it was about talking about how difficult it was…MAD!! Haha
For me (Ana), the collaborative process is a tricky one, if all parts are not more or less equally invested in the project- however when it works it’s a beautiful umbrella that expands beyond your own-self-horizons, which is not only great because you are expanding but also because you are learning! It’s frustrating when it doesn’t work out because you want to do things that cant be done because there is not reaching agreement…ahhhhhhhhhhh….get me out of here J
Ben and I collaborated but then I ended doing most of the work which should have sucked but I enjoyed it the same.
Ana Escobar: www.thespacebetween.eu #iamawitchbecause